DIY Trick or Treat Sign under $20

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sharpie art has exploded around my house this month and even my porch wasn't safe from it! I busted out the king size sharpie to complete this fun Trick or Treat sign and the end result is a whimsical fall welcome to our guests!

We have made a few of these large porch signs before (one 'Welcome' for everyday and one 'Believe' for Christmas time) but this was the first time we completed a sign like this using sharpie instead of paint! 

Let's get started!

What you will need:

- 1 pine board
- Pencil
- Measuring tape
- Sharpie Maker (King size)
- Orange Paint
- Paint Brush

This project was pretty simple to complete. I started by painting three coats of 'marigold' by Dutch Boy onto these pre-cut pine boards. I honestly just 'eenie meenie miny moe'd' it (is that how you spell that saying?!) in Menards' paint department because I was in a hurry (and with a fussy infant) and just wanted any ol' orange. I did not realize at the time that it would turn out to be so neon but it works!

After the paint was dry I started to draw the letters! First, I did a quick mock up on some loose leaf paper. I decided that instead of trace a more structured font I would just freehand some lettering I already knew how to do. It would probably look more polished had I gone the first route but I'm okay with how this turned out. To make sure that the letters were spaced correctly I used math! And I thought I would never need to know math in every day life, hah! There were 11 characters that needed to fit on the board so I simply divided 72' (the length of the board) by 11 (the number of characters) and made sure each character was no more than 6' tall. Somewhere, my grade school teachers would be proud.

Then, I busted out my king sized sharpie and started to fill in the lines!

I went over it with a few 'coats', if you will, and then in about 10 minutes it was complete!

How cute is this sign!? And just in case you missed the tutorial on these floating witch hats you can find that here!

I am loving my 'falloween' porch! There are a few more things i'd like to add but budget is a concern so every year this porch gets a little more fallified!

What decor do you use on your porch for Fall/Halloween? Share them with me in the comments below!

As always, thank you for visiting R&R at home!

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