My Mexi-Cation
Saturday, August 22, 2015
DIY Gold Foil Leaf Wall Art
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
I am sure everyone has seen these prints in some form or another by now that say 'Hello There Handsome' and 'Good Morning Gorgeous'. Well, I decided these would be the perfect addition to my master bedroom's gallery wall that I was creating. However, I searched and searched for prints to buy online and really could not find anything I liked (enter DIY goddess) so I made my own!
This project definitely wasn't without it's fair share of trial and error epic failures, which I have documented in this post. Overall, I am pleased with the final product and excited to share it with you!
DIY Pom Pom Trim Curtains
Friday, August 7, 2015
In last week's DIY post I showed you how I created my West Elm Inspired Curtain Rods. This week we are finally going to dress them with some DIY Pom Pom curtains!
That's right... I'm back with more DIY curtains! And these were much easier than the last with a big impact!
I first started seeing this pom pom trend in fashion and then I literally just had this idea to add pom pom trim to some basic curtains (no joke... sometimes I come up with things before I see them via Pinterest) so naturally I had to join in this totally fun trend!
Side note: If you're looking for ways to add this trend to your home check out {R} Favorites Friday which features all things pom-poms and tassels.
Let's get started!
Side note: If you're looking for ways to add this trend to your home check out {R} Favorites Friday which features all things pom-poms and tassels.
Let's get started!
DIY Gift Bag Wall Art [+Gold Corner Frame]
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Hi! I am so so SO excited to share one of my most creative DIY projects yet!
Back story: The other day my co-workers and I decided a trip to Target over lunch was just what was needed (Target is my 'happy place'). As I was walking through the aisles this gift bag caught my eye. Immediately I knew I had to buy it and find a way to transform it.
Mood Board- Open Shelving
Saturday, August 1, 2015
This is my first attempt at an Inspiration post or a 'mood board'. You see, I've been thinking dreaming about a kitchen with all open shelving. As surprising as it sounds my kitchen is one of the places I am the most organized (not on purpose I might add... I just have to be in such a small space) so I feel like I could get away with it. My plan scheme is to convert only one of my cabinets to open shelving which I am thinking of adding above our 'coffee' station.
So here goes nothing!
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{R} Favorites Friday- All Things White
Friday, July 31, 2015
{R} Favorite trend this week is all things white!
I am a huge fan of white (which is an everyday struggle because I am also a huge procrastinator when it comes to cleaning... My 'adulting' level is a work in progress). One of the many things I have learned by living in a small house is that white makes any space look and feel larger and that is because white is a color (or not a color if you want to get technical) that visually does not take up space. So, when R and I moved into our little house here on Michigan Avenue I knew I wanted white to be a major theme throughout the house.
Here are {R} favorite ways to incorporate the white trend into your home's decor!
DIY West Elm Inspired Curtain Rod
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
So excited to share my latest DIY project! Today I am going to be sharing my very own take on West Elm's metal curtain rods!
(This post may contain affiliate links- for details read my full disclosure here)
I was featured!
Sunday, July 26, 2015
See my feature here! |
Other than my 'Welcome' post I really haven't written anything that didn't involve a DIY project or Favorites Friday. Well, today I am so excited and I have to share!
I recently decided to take my blogging game up a notch and join the wonderful world of 'Link Up Parties'. My first link-up party was last week's Saturday Sparks hosted by the fabulous Suzanne over at Pieced Pastimes. Since then, I have found a few other parties that I will be joining in on every week (see list in the Parties & Features above ^).
So, let's set the scene. It's early Saturday morning. I've just let the pups out and made myself my morning cup of coffee (with extra cream because hey, it's the week-end so I treat myself!) and I sit down to join my Saturday link-up. As I log-in I see a picture of my bedroom on the site... It took me all of 10 seconds to realize that I was a featured post from last week's link-up! I scream and wake up the hubby to come see.
I'm really just proud beyond belief. Starting a blog is hard and getting people to be interested in what you have to say and projects you have to share in such a saturated market is both humbling and overwhelming. I think what really had me beaming from ear to ear was the simple fact that this was the first party I posted to and the next week I was featured! This could not have come at a better time as I have been feeling down about my little ol' bloggy blog (mostly that I am nowhere near ready to post a 'home tour' which is the bread and butter of home blogging). So, Thank You Suzanne for lifting my spirits and featuring me on your link-up! You have a forever follower and I will be back every week to party with you :)
I'd love to hear about the first time you were featured! Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you for stopping by to visit (and listen to me rant) with {R&R} at home!
{R} Favorites Fridays- Tassels/Pom-Poms
Friday, July 24, 2015
Happy Friday! You'll notice that the name of this feature post has changed! I'm trying to bring some consistency to my blogging habits so I am holding myself accountable to these posts every Friday... that way if you're following along you can expect a post at least once a week in relation to {R} favorite home trends.
{R} favorite trend this week is pom-poms/tassel fringe! So much so that I just ordered TONS of mint pom pom trim to use on my next DIY project (hint: more curtains!)
All the pom pom trim! |
This trend is showing up everywhere right now, including in fashion! This is such a fun trend that can be used playfully for kids rooms or to add color and interest to your grown-up space.
Here {R} 5 ways to add this trend to your home!
DIY Spray Painted Lamps
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
{R} here with another fabulous DIY project!
Back in the day my master bedroom's color scheme was gold and purple. That meant that I had decked out the space in all things (you guessed it) gold and purple. When we moved into our quaint little cottage here in the Chicago suburbs I knew I would have to change a few things to make our space look and feel larger. Color schemes were one of these and since we spend a lot of time in our master bedroom (even if it is mostly sleeping) I knew that purple was out.
When I am looking to re-do a room (even if it is just color scheme) I think of how I want to feel when I am in that room. R and I love staying in hotels and beach vacations so I wanted to make our master feel like a hotel room on the beach (without a 'beach house' vibe). I chose the color palette of white (or cream), gold and mint.
So, what's all my rambling about? Well, I got a little carried away in the back story because I'm not really revealing a bedroom makeover (someday... in my 'home 'tour') but I am revealing our re-vamped lamps!
{R} Favorites- Drum Stools
Thursday, July 16, 2015
{R} Favorite trend this week is the drum stool!
I had a lot on my birthday list this year but the one thing I could not wait to open (I knew R would come through) was my red drum stool to add to our outdoor patio set!
I don't know what it is about this trend that sucked me in but I just had to have one. I love the look and versatility of these stools. Much like we learned last week in {R} Favorites- The Pouf, the drum stool (also referred to as a 'garden stool') can be many things; a foot stool, a side table, a planter, or simply a decorative accent you use to add some color to a room. Needless to say this is another home must right now!
Drum stools comes in all colors, shapes and sizes. Here are {R} Favorite drum stool finds!
DIY No Sew Greek Key Curtains
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
{R} here and my inner DIY goddess has come out to play! I am so excited to share my newest DIY project. I want to give a quick shout out to one of my favorite bloggers, A View Along The Way, because I found her project via Pinterest and followed her steps!
A little back story... I have been racking my brain for two years on what curtains to add to our 'master'. After completing our DIY stripe wall I decided it was time to dress the windows and after finding inspiration from other bloggers I decided this would be the perfect project. This was one for the books because it required patience (a trait I often lack).
How to hang outdoor wall decor!
Friday, July 10, 2015
{R} Favorites- The Pouf
Thursday, July 9, 2015
{R} Favorite trend this week is the pouf!
You've seen them on Pinterest. You've spotted them at Target. But what is a pouf? How do you even spell pouf? Is it a seat or an ottoman? All questions I'm sure you've asked yourself. But, if you love decorative and functional elements in your home then you need at least one of these.
Poufs really are whatever you want them to be. They can be an ottomon, extra seating, eye candy. You name it and 'Poof!' you've got it (I'm getting carried away now). But really, they are a trend that I just can't get enough of.
Here are {R} favorite pouf finds!
DIY Headboard
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
My inner DIY goddess is at it again!
Sometimes I like to buy nice things, other times I like to make them! This project was actually 4 years in the making because we completed it in 'shifts' and it is one that I would like to call 'Beginner DIY' as this was one of the first DIY projects {R} and I completed.
Recently after getting hitched and moving into our third apartment together, we decided to upgrade to our first king sized bed (and now we're never going back!). With that meant we needed a new bed frame. We didn't have tons of money to spend and new headboards/frames are expensive! So this crafty girl decided to make her own.
Recently after getting hitched and moving into our third apartment together, we decided to upgrade to our first king sized bed (and now we're never going back!). With that meant we needed a new bed frame. We didn't have tons of money to spend and new headboards/frames are expensive! So this crafty girl decided to make her own.
Introducing: {R} Favorites- All about that Ikat!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
When I started this blog I had grandiose ideas of what it would be. I imagined picking a project every week to complete, taking pictures of said project, editing those pictures, while also having time to blog about it. It didn't take me long for reality to sink in. Not only do I not have the time for that type of blogging lifestyle (what with a full time job, two pups and a hubby to cater to) but I also lack the space to complete 52 projects a year (for now at least)! So what's a girl with big blogging dreams to do?
Well, I was on the train home after work (a daily routine I have a love/hate relationship with) and was doing my daily Pinterest ritual (you know... pinning and envisioning my perfect home, my perfect meal plan, and my perfect body, ha!) and I was trying to find a way to incorporate my favorite trends into my blog without having to always incorporate them into my own home (I mean my budget can only allow so many home updates every year). So {R&R} is transforming, in a way, from being a blog all about our home projects (don't worry I'll still do those too!) to a place to also share all of my thoughts/ideas regarding house and home.
DIY Stripe Wall
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
I'm all about stripes in my home! Pillows, duvets, curtains... You name it and I probably have a striped version. But my favorite way to include them? On the wall!
Creating your own stripe wall is easier than you think! I was very surprised the first time I tried this project at just how easy it is and how little time it takes.
The first wall that I painted with stripes (and the one I will be featuring in the post) was in the hallway in my first home in Kansas. This was a little more of an 'intermediate' project than most striped walls based on all the nooks and cranny's I needed to measure the stripes for. But it turned out wonderful and made the space look so much larger (this is a definite must in smaller spaces)! That hallway was my pride and joy... I miss it :(
DIY- 10 Minute Terrarium
Sunday, June 28, 2015
It did not take me long to fall in love with all things succulents. As soon as they became a trend I just had to have 'em. Well, it has been well over a year since this trend popped up on my radar and I am just now getting to this project! The sad part... it honestly took about 10 minutes to put together (not including travel time to the store of course).
Why did it take me so long? I was put off by other bloggers because I was worried it would take a long time (not really sure why) and I was going back and forth on whether or not I wanted my terrarium to be real or faux. After some research I realized that much like the other 'plant life' in my home... I wanted to go faux. The main reason? I have a black thumb (it's true).
Similar to my last post, I was inspired to get this done after receiving my beautiful terrarium from my brother for my birthday (Thanks M!). So, this is another birthday gift inspiration post!
What to do with $50 at Pottery Barn
Saturday, June 20, 2015
It's been a while since my last post. I lost steam because R and I were home searching which meant our own home projects were put on the back-burner. Well, we have put off the home search for the time being which means I can start blogging again! We are excited to finish up some projects that we've been wanting to do around our little Michigan Ave cottage and cannot wait to share them!
In addition to our home search venture I recently celebrated my 28th birthday. I had a wonderful, relaxing day being spoiled with love (and gifts
) from my family and friends. I even received a gift from my sister all the way in Mexico. She is known for her creative gift giving and this one did not disappoint. I was given $50 to spend at Pottery Barn. You may be scratching your head thinking "What is she going to do with that?" And my response would be "EXACTLY!". This gift was meant to inspire the post you are reading and get me back on the blogging train (She's good)!
DIY Hardware
Saturday, May 16, 2015
If you can believe it I actually have more to say about hardware. This time with a twist... I made these pulls!
I originally saw this idea on Pinterest (of course) and immediately knew this was exactly what I needed to spruce up my 11 year old bedroom furniture!
I actually started out thinking I could by-pass the DIY part and buy these pre-made (impatience sometimes gets the best of me) but I searched and searched to no avail. So, I buckled down and channelled my inner DIY goddess to create these pulls. It is amazing to me that random parts from your local hardware store can be put together in such a way to create these ring pulls and really not look home made!
I never thought I would find myself spending hours upon end researching handles whose sole purpose is access to my food and dishes, but I have become obsessed (I am seeing knobs and pulls in my dreams). This search has really brought to light how easily I can become overwhelmed.
{R&R} Golden Rules
Saturday, May 9, 2015
We have all heard of the ‘Golden Rule’ but this post isn’t about how to treat others. The golden rule I am referring to is about how you treat your home!
There seems to be a list trend in blogs lately and I am going to follow the lead! As I was sitting down to write this post I simply sat in my living room, looked around and realized that each room in my house is a reflection of a set of ‘rules’ I come to live by when decorating my home. So, this post will be all about what I have come to call my ‘Golden Rules’.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Welcome to {R&R} at home!
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Ryan |
I'm sure I am not the first person who found themselves in a slight state of panic when it came to deciding what to name their blog (how can something so simple be so overwhelming?), but I decided to keep things simple. 'R&R' stands for Ryan (my husband) and Rebecca (that's me!). Since this blog will predominantly revolve around our home projects, it seemed only fitting as my title (and what a cute pun)!
I want to point out that I am not an expert in home decorating. I actually have a degree in Sociology and am currently working in the HR field. Home decorating and DIY are, at most, a hobby of mine and my hope is that this blog will help take my passion one step further.
I have been decorating rooms since I can remember. I distinctly recall watching movies and TV as a kid, taking mental notes of the set decor and trying to recreate it in my own room. I was always begging my mom for a new bed set (which was always a new 'bed in a bed') and I can't even count the number of times I rearranged my bedroom furniture before graduating high school. Moving to college was a whole other story. My dorm room was nothing to blog about and probably wouldn't make anyone's board on Pinterest, but it was really my first taste of artistic freedom (and it was outrageous). Since then, I have lived in five apartments, bought two homes and spent countless hours engulfed in HGTV and pinning to my hearts content. I'd like to think I have come a long way.
I am not sure what my first actual home post will be about, but my current project is replacing the hardware in our (tiny) kitchen. I have spent hours researching and have nothing to show for it yet. Until then...
Note: Bear with me as I customize this page :)
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